Mind, Body, and Soul Activities

This year Monument Festival will offer many different and amazing activities beyond music, with multiple yoga sessions each day, meditation, breathwork, a nature walk, sound healing and an incredible sauna. All the details can be found right here on this page. Use the links below to jump straight to the relevant section.
07:00 – Sauna open
11:00 – 12:00 Yoga, Vinyasa with Ingrid
12:00 – 13:00 Meditation, Walking meditation & eye-gazing with Tuva
15:00 -16:00 Yoga, Yin with Ingrid
16:00 – 17:00 Gong Sound Bath with Robert Hagala
19:00 – Sauna closed
07:00 – Sauna open
10:30 – 12:00 Yoga, Ashtanga with Emelie
12:00 – 13:00 Yoga, Restorative with Emelie
13:00 – Sauna closed
13:00 Herbal Walk with Jacob
15:00 Herbal Walk with Jacob
15:00 – 16:30: Breathwork, Laughter breathwork with Tuva

This year you will find a hot and amazing sauna at the Monument Festival! A perfect way to detox, get really hot, sweat, and have a cold shower. You can book the sauna online here (remember that Badstuvogn means 1 person). You can also walk by and do a booking at the festival. The sauna is available for booking from 7 am both Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Last booking on Saturday and Sunday is at 7pm and on Sunday at 1pm.
Your saunamaster will make sure to greet you with a clean and warm sauna.
Duration: 60 min. per booking-slot.
Attendance: You’ll find the sauna in the camp area.
Price: 100kr per person.
Maximum 6 people per booking-slot.
Remember to Breath, slow down and Enjoy!

Ingrid is a professional yoga and pilates teacher with more than 10 years of experience. She has led numerous classes both here in Oslo and abroad, and shares a strong and playful, yet restorative style of teaching. She is the founder of “Flytsone”, a company that provides movement, strength and wellness to workplaces in order to make employees enhance their flowstate, productivity and physical/mental balance.
Vinyasa classes are known for their fluid, movement-intensive practices. The classes are sequenced with smooth transitions from pose to pose, with the intention of linking breath to movement. In the theme of presence we will be moving mindfully and with fluid movement welcoming all souls and all levels.
Experience deep relaxation and improved physical wellbeing with Yin Yoga. This slow and meditative style of yoga targets connective tissues, improving flexibility and joint mobility. Take a break and connect with your breath for a rejuvenating session suitable for all levels. Join us for a calming and centering Yin Yoga practice.

“I’m Tuva. You would usually find me in my van by the coast of Spain or hitchhiking across borders, but this time you will find me facilitating laughter breathwork and eye-gazing at Monument 2023. My passion in life is expansion of comfort zones and exploring the frivolity of life, which is what I wish to bring to this year’s festival. To let go of fears, to connect with ourselves and other beings so that we can be even freer on the dance floor and in life in general. “
Summary breathwork classes:
Laughter breathwork:
Integrating laughter and breathwork is a powerful way of activating the energy in our bodies. In this session we will play with our voice and our laughter, and then dive deep into an active breathing session. The journey will be guided with focus on presence and joy, and in the end there will be a guided visualization.
Walking meditation & eye-gazing:
We walk around on this earth throughout our life interacting and passing a myriad of humans. In this walking meditation & eye-gazing there will be focus on being here and now. Allowing ourselves to put our toes a little into the uncomfortable while also expanding our compassion for the people being a part of this session including yourself, by allowing yourself to see and be seen

Robert has been interested in music, vibrations and finding out how the world works since he was a child. He has several years of practice with meditation, yoga, sound, breathwork, and conscious touch, as well as training in Astrophysics, Shamanism and Tantra. He also offers one-to-one sessions within many topics, like energy work, touch and shadow integration. When holding space, his focus is on allowing the participant to expand while feeling seen and safe.
A sound bath is an intuitive concert played with several instruments, including the gong. Here you lie down with your eyes closed and allow yourself to be immersed in sacred vibrations.
The gong is exceptional in cutting through the thinking mind, and putting you in a deeply relaxed flow state, allowing natural healing and transformation processes to occur. In the tantric perspective, this allows energies to move more freely in the body, which can be experienced as emotions, sensations or visuals. The invitation is to relax and enjoy the journey.

Emelie started her yoga journey while traveling through Asia ten years ago. She has been practicing and working within the Ashtanga Yoga Tradition since 2015. In her daily work with children, she finds that strong and clear structure empowers people to blossom and become more authentic selves. The structure of Ashtanga can therefore be used as a tool in everyday life that keeps getting busier, more chaotic, and stressful for the average person. Yoga can empower people to have a calm oasis inside and out. Her teaching has a therapeutic, clear, and calm approach.
- Ashtanga:
If we still have energy left over from the base music on Saturday, you are welcome to come and match it with a modified Ashtanga Yoga practice! Ashtanga is a traditional type of yoga with a set dynamic sequence following the breath. We start our Sunday with a strengthening and lengthening practice to ground yourself for the rest of the festival. All levels welcome!
- Restorative:
If we do not have leftover energy after the night, this is the practice for you. In Restorative Yoga we do slow stretching where we stay in the positions for two to seven minutes. Here we can find the space to rehabilitate and restore well spent energy. Close your eyes, let gravity work, and listen to the music!

Learn about wild plants and the insight into Norwegian folk traditions with Jacob Roots from Roots & Culture. We`ll talk about various sciences and methods surrounding ethnobotany and how the plants have been used as an essential source of both food and medicine for thousands of years.The aim is to give you a deeper understanding of nature, as nature.
What do you learn?
-Knowledge and insight into Norwegian folk tradition and folk medicinal use of herbs as an essential source for food and nutrition.
-How to identify different trees, plants and bushes in nature.
-Procedures for expanding the understanding of the innate reality in plants.
-How and why the plants affect the body and mind.
-Which plants in nature can be used, and which should possibly be avoided.
-How to prepare different parts of an herb such as root, stem, leaf and flower.
-What the various herbs can be used for as food, fabric and style, tools, etc…
-Learn more about nature and what an enormous resource it is, and has been throughout the ages.
-That Nature is the great teacher
and much more..
After the hike, we make a decoction of the plants as an herbal tea!
Time: Sunday, 13:00 & 15:00
Meetup location: Haven
Capacity: 20 people
Participation fee per person: NOK 75, get your ticket here

Colin Tobelem ( aka Ground Tactics ) is a multi-disciplinary artist who revives an inter-dimensional art form to enlighten one’s relation with themselves and with our vibrational universe, by inducing altered states of consciousness with multisensorial stimulations he offers the experience of self reflection through sound. Colin conducts a sociological exploration of how to facilitate transcendence and self transformation.
Colin Tobelem, French – American multi disciplinary artist, performing as Ground Tactics, launched Ultraheaven 999hz.co in 2019 to provide high precision tuning forks used for human tuning.
Acoustic vibrations hyper stimulate the nervous system to replicate and maintain specific oscillation.
The nervous system enters in coherence with its environment, adapting to every situation, our natural self regulation system can be programmed to enter in accordance with heightened states of consciousness, the regular use of specific frequencies encourage the integration and embodiment of universal harmony, empowering presence and self awareness.

The mesmerising Dome returns to Veggli this year. A dome where time and space cease to exist, immersing visitors in a 360° sonic and visual landscape.
The concept behind this project is based on the Temazcal, a ceremony practiced in Mexico since the prehispanic period. Originating with the people inhabiting Mesoamerica, Temazcal comes from these three words: Tetl means rock, Mazitli means hot, Cali means house. All together it is interpreted as “House of the burning rocks”. The indigenous people of Mexico employed this physical and spiritual healing bath as a means of purification. The idea is to connect with the cosmos, with nature, to explore our relationship with mother earth. In the dome, visitors will experience this connection to nature through sound and vision: a “House of the singing wood”.
Creators of the project, Art Directors, Visual content & Mapping – We are Eyes Wide Open, a collective that creates utopic and ephemeral experiences. We create musical and visual moods that transcend our physical world